Dear brothers and sisters, we hope that everyone is doing great. As the government will allow events and gatherings from next week, the board would like to invite all members to celebrate one of the most important events of our community, Eid Al Adha, on Sunday 1st August 2021 from 2 pm to 8 pm at Queens Park Cafe, Park Road Bolton, BL14RU. We will have plenty of food, Guinea traditional music and a bouncy castle for the kids. Due to the short timeframe, the board will take care of the financial side. But, we ask families to please bring …

COVID Report Questionnaire

As you know the Covid-19 Support Project has come to an end. However, we still need your help to complete the report. As our funder expects a thoroughly detailed report to be submitted by the board. Hence, we need your feedback and suggestions on the project. It is anonymous and does not require any sensitive information. Please see below a link of the survey. https://forms.gle/Z9ASEihaABQFeLED7

GSGM Covid19 Support Foodbank 3 & 4

Funding from the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund, has helped us complete our Mars 2021 Foodbank as part of our Covid19 Support project. Thanks to the Government for making this possible.The National Lottery Community FundDepartment for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport#CommunitiesCan

COVID-19 & Employment

Due to this global pandemic many people have lost their jobs and income. So Greater Manchester is inviting our entire communities with two special guests today Sunday 7th February 2021 at 14:45 to talk about the effects of Covid-19 on Employment and tips to set up small businesses.  Please join us on the following zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4289069332?pwd=VUtXQmtMQ3A3ODBTaGdIRWpXZmczUT09


Join individually or as a team Best Experience with 2 devices (1 for Zoom and the second for the Quiz) or a laptop with a big screen than can be split. Check https://kahoot.com/ to familiarise yourself with the platform. Only the first 50 to join will be able to play!